Friday, November 13, 2009

We have a blog!!

Yeppers, the Sanford family has finally decided to start a blog. This will be a fun way to share with our family around the world and with our friends far and near what is going on in the Sanford family.

So we hope you enjoy this blog! There will be many different people posting from our family so it should give you a good idea of what goes on around here.



  1. Yay! I'm the FIRST comment! :D I'm so glad that y'all got a blog!! Can't wait to read the posts! =)

  2. I got here quick, do I get the first comment spot?

    Look forward to the posts, and hearing about your family, for those of us who aren't Facebook junkies!


  3. Well alright!! Welcome to blogging. Keep it coming!

  4. Welcome to the blogosphere!!! :D
