Wednesday, April 13, 2011

American Vision World View Conference 2011

Sometimes being a Deacon's kid can mean lots of work and no goofing off with friends. But on this day I'd say being a Deacon's kid was the best experience ever! Our church held the second annual American Vision conference last weekend and that meant lots of work to be done. We spent the whole week preparing food and cleaning the church so it would look it's best for the conference. When it was time for the conference to start some of us were bummed it was smaller than last year but I think in the end it turned out quite nicely and blessed all those who attended. I know I speak for more than myself when I say lots of fun memories were made during that weekend. :D Here are some pictures of what went on...

Friday afternoon there wasn't much going on behind the scenes which means that the cameras got brought out and goofy pictures were taken. These girls are amazing! <3 And the orange is so random...

We all took turns manning the snack station and here Adrianna and Zach are doing a grand job of it.

Pastor opening everyone up in some prayer and Hymn singing.

Mr. Gary DeMar's sessions were amazing and very thought provoking. I was only able to listen in on bits and pieces but those who heard all of it were blessed by him.

During most of the talks we girls were in the kitchen working away on meals for the speakers and the workers. In this picture Grace and I were having a blast talking about what we want our futures to look like. *cough/grin* I love that girl. <3

Mrs. McDonald is always an encouraging speaker and yet what she has to say always makes me stop and think about what kind of woman I want to be.

Mr. Bojidar Marinov was new to most of us but he did a great job speaking as well and had a great personality to go along with it.

This is my favorite picture from the whole weekend. I just love to look on her face! 

Here are two of the four men who made things run smoothly behind the scenes for everyone. This year was easier on them because of having done it the year before and knowing what to expect but they still pulled it off great and the weekend wouldn't have worked as well without them. :)

And that's your peek into last weekend. This weekend we have a wedding we are attending and I am singing a duet with Jess for it. *nervous smile* It's gonna be sorta nerve racking but also great and I cannot wait to attend! :)

Hasta la próxima vez!
To God be the glory!


  1. Looks like y'all had a busy, but fun week! Hope the wedding goes great!!! :D And *don't* worry (if I was able to "sing" *cough* for Ben and Tiff's wedding then) y'all will do GREAT!! :D

  2. Thanks, Matt!! I know this week will be a blast with the wedding and the reception afterwards. ;)

    Aww thanks! It's sweet of you to say that, Matt. And you actually didn't do too bad for Ben and Tiff's wedding! I think you sounded great! ;D
